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Our Mission:

Be the Voice of LoVE.

God spoke to our founder, Sharon Clack, in California in the middle of the night. His voice sparked a series of events that led to Lily of the Valley Endeavor being established to support children in South Africa and Zimbabwe.

20 years later we continue listening to His voice so that we can be the voice of LoVE to and for these amazing kids!


Our Purpose

It’s as simple as ABC.

ADVOCATE | raise your voice for kids in need.

BUILD | be part of an eternal legacy.

CONNECT | become part of the family.


Our Impact

LoVE is a non-profit organization created to help children in sub-saharan Africa, who have been orphaned or abandoned (often due to the AIDs pandemic).

Partnering with us is an easy and effective way to make a huge difference in the lives of these children and the surrounding area. In the years of our existence, LoVE USA has, among other things, built & staffed a Medical Center, funded numerous entrepreneurial projects, day care facilities, house mom and teacher salaries & we have found sponsors for multiple children at our LoVE Villages.



Thousand children Impacted

Your support provides the difference between comfort and suffering, even life and death for precious children in need!



Million Dollars Raised

Through monthly donors and annual fundraisers we have been able to raise over $6 Million dollars or R108,000,000




Since we first stepped into this calling, we have been honored to care for kids with the help of hundreds of supporters!


Our Strategy

“The people who are crazy enough to believe that they can change the world are the ones who actually do!” -Steve Jobs




God is doing an incredible work in the lives of vulnerable children living in Sub-saharan Africa, a few dozen men and women on the ground who care for them, and a few hundred supporters here in the US. Communicating the need and giving people a chance to respond, allows LoVE to continue this important work and expand it to others in need!


From the complete other side of the world, the most helpful thing we can do is raise funds and awareness so that the staff and care-givers at our LoVE villages have what is needed. They are then able to raise kids who are not just surviving but instead they are thriving. Our financial gifts, prayers and encouragement generate true hope!


It is a proven fact that education is a key ingredient to change the life of a child. Many of our kids come from situations where they are severely neglected or abused. This reality combined with community schools with a pass rate of close to zero, doesn’t not offer much opportunity. However, through LoVE our kids are getting the chance to receive better education and a love for learning ignits inside.


We are crazy enough to actually believe that this generation can see the end of the orphan and poverty cycle. The world is connected like never before, knowledge of the need is far reaching, and people’s hearts have opened to new levels of generosity. We are creating new ideas and opportunities to transform this generation.


Get Involved

We have plenty of ways for you to get involved in LoVE and change the world!



Connect with an individual child, sow into their lives monthly and watch them grow! We have multiple levels of sponsorship and various needs!

spread the word

Join our army of advocates by signing up for a street team kit, hosting an awareness event or connecting us with schools, churches and individuals.

give your time or treasure

Give a one-time donation, volunteer to serve, do a birthday campaign, fund a project or find unique ways to advance the cause of LoVE.